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环境法:最高法院的霍克斯公司. Decision May Help Save Your Project When Wetlands are Present - June 2016


By Jim Lang - June 2016Image courtesy of Michael MeesWetlands make it hard to build at a property.  这在汉普顿路尤为重要, Virginia, due to the high prevalence of wetlands in this part of the country.  建筑商和美国.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corps) do not always agree on the size of the wetlands footprint, with the builder needing the footprint to be small in order for the project to go forward, 和陆军部队...

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President Nixon as Midwife for the Birth of Enviromental Law - June 2016


By Jim Lang - June 2016Whether he actually said it or not, Winston Churchill gets credit for the quote that “Americans will always do the right thing, 只有在他们尝试了所有其他方法之后.11月11日凯霍加河火灾. 3, 1952.  特别馆藏提供, Michael SchwartzLibrary at Cleveland State University (from the Cuyahoga River – Fires, Accidents Collection)When deciding how much pollution may be released into our surroundings and whether...

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选择弗吉尼亚州的商业实体- 2016年5月


“I want to form a business, what type of entity should I choose?” As a business attorney, this is a question that I frequently run across. The choice of a business entity is one of the first questions that a new start-up should address and is more nuanced that many might think. To answer the question properly involves an analysis of the legal, 企业所有者的税收和管理目标. An owner looking to set up a real estate holding company...

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环境法律: An Oil Spill Could Cost Your Business - 2016年3月


by James T. 每艘船的船东, 每个船厂, each port, and each waterfront facility that handles oil is faced with the risk of an oil spill into water. 忽视风险是鲁莽的. It puts the business in jeopardy, along with the assets and even the personal freedom of the owner. 承认风险, 管理它, is an important business judgment that weighs the economic cost of the available prevention measures, 在多大程度上...

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The Adam Walsh Act and the Petitioner's Burden to Prove "No Risk of Harm" - 2016年3月


by Anne C. LahrenThe Adam Walsh Act (“AWA”) was enacted “To protect children from sexual exploitation and violent crime, 防止虐待儿童及儿童色情制品, 促进互联网安全, and to honor the memory of Adam Walsh and other child crime victims.“AWA对美国的军事行动有很大的限制.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident’s ability to petition for his or her spouse or fiancé(e) if he or she has been convicted of any specified...

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The Importance of Carefully-Worded Job Descriptions - 2016年3月


杰弗里·D. WilsonWhile employers are not legally required to draft job descriptions for most positions, 许多人为了明确自己的工作职责而这样做. This week the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion that, 虽然不是开创性的, serves as a reminder of how important it is to properly word position descriptions, 包括那些用于招聘广告的网站.在斯蒂芬森诉. Pfizer, Inc., No. 14-2079(第4章. Mar. 2, 2016), the...

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Is Manifest Disregard of the Law Still a Ground for Vacating Arbitration Awards? - 2016年3月


Eight years ago, the United States Supreme Court, in Hall Street Assocs., LLC v. Mattel, Inc.,[1] had before it the issue of whether or not parties to an arbitration agreement could expand the grounds for vacating an award under §§ 10 and 11 of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA).[2] In holding that parties to an arbitration agreement cannot by private agreement expand the grounds for the reviewing an arbitration award, 法院还说联邦航空局...

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Oil Spills: The Clean Water Act to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 - February 2016


by James T. LangA tugboat overturns in a waterway adjacent to a small shipyard off of the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River, 在诺福克的坎波斯特拉桥附近, 洒了大约1杯,他把1000加仑的柴油倒入河中. Firefighters who specialize in hazardous substance releases, the U.S. Coast Guard and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality respond to the scene. The shipyard owner/operator is criticized for his failure to...

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Protection From Day One: The Importance of Employee Handbooks - February 2016


杰弗里·D. 威尔逊:在我法学院的第二年, one of my classmates was hired for a summer position by a prominent law firm. 就在她新工作开始的前几天, 她不好意思地走近我问, “当我开始工作时会发生什么?当我问她是什么意思时, she replied, “第一天, 我到办公室后会发生什么? 我有桌子吗? 他们有办公用品吗? 有人能告诉我我在做什么吗?” It was...

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Recovery of Attorney's Fees and Costs in Virginia Civil Actions - January 2016


作者:Michael E. Ornoff, Esq.Litigants in civil lawsuits frequently ask if they will recover their attorney’s fees and costs if they win a civil suit which they initiate or which has been brought against them. 它们是可恢复的, potential liability for such fees and costs can become a consideration as important as the amount of the underlying claim in balancing the risks versus benefits in initiating the action and in assessing whether to settle a...

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